Manifesto for happy frugality

To your signature...

The alarm goes off on all sides. IPCC reports confirm human responsibility in global disruption. More than 15,000 scientists say:"It will soon be too late to deviate from our failed trajectory, and time is running out". The United Nations deplores the fact that greenhouse gas emissions stagnate at 52 Gt per year, whereas they should be limited to 36 or even 24 Gt per year, in order to remain below the 2°C that would allow a peaceful future. COP 23 shows its powerlessness: the commitments made at COP 21,2 years ago, lead to an increase of more than 3 to 3.5°C. But, let us remain optimistic, there is still time:"We have 3 years to act", warn Jean Jouzel and Pierre Larrouturou. [...]

Faced with this urgency, Alain Bornarel (engineer), Dominique Gauzin-Müller (architect) and Philippe Madec (architect) publish a "Manifesto for a happy frugality" which they propose to support.


Pour soutenir le "Manifeste pour une frugalité heureuse" envoyer un mail à avec prénom, nom, profession et adresse mail.