Pégase Building
Clichy-la-Garenne, France
Type: Offices
Program: Construction
Year : 2013
Status: ongoing
Area: 5,000 m2 SHON
Mission type : AMO environment
Client: Eiffage Development
Client: Boisseson , Dumas, Vilmorin & Associates Architects
Performance: HQE certification and BBC label
Presentation of the project
Construction of an office building in the Citroën ZAC Clichy -la- Garenne .
Environmental Strategy
> HQE certified NF Tertiary Buildings from conception to reception
> Low energy consumption (80 kWhep / m². Year conventional energy consumption)
> Rainwater ,
> Optimization of visual comfort and health of indoor spaces.
> Methods soft transportation (15 m² bicycle parking and 10% reserved seats for electric vehicles )
> Composting green waste on site
> 250 m² and 450 m² roofs green space on the plot.

© Boisseson, Dumas, Vilmorin et associés Architectes