CB 21 Tower
La Défense, France
Type: Offices
Program : Renovation
Year: 2009 - 2010
Status: delivered
Area: 75,000 sq.m.
Mission type : AMO environment
Client: Land areas
Assistance with project management : Sesame Council
Project management execution : Imogis
Cost: 130 M € HT
Performances: BREEAM post construction stage good
Presentation of the project
187 meters high, 49 levels including 41 office floors .
New, more eco-efficient facade, new, more efficient equipments , new services tailored strengths that make the CB 21 Tower workspace remarkable.
Totally renovated and delivered in June 2010, CB 21 has obtained HQE Exploitation certification. This is the first tower labeled BREEAM in France (Good level ) .
Environmental strategies
> High performance envelope
> Energy recovery systems allowing substantial savings
> Circuit optimization activity waste
> 40 % reduction in potable water
> Reuse more than 90 % of existing materials, implementation of a BMS