Diplomatic Campus
Nairobi (Kenya)
Type: Office Building
Program: Competition
Year: 2013
Area: 2777 m2 SHON
Mission type: project management environment
Client: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Supervisor: Fabienne Bubble
Performances: Leed Certification
Presentation of the project
Construction of the new diplomatic campus to consolidate all the services of the Embassy of France in Nairobi, residence, and the homes of policemen on a single site, on the north of the city.
The combination of real estate, combined with a real environmental quality research should lead to optimization of the operating costs of the French representation in Kenya.
Environmental strategies
> Efficient management of water (zero discharge): rainwater collection for watering parks and toilets, treatment of 100% of onsite wastewater (phytoremediation), drinking water consumption - 60% level Leed ,
> Bioclimatic design and high thermal inertia by the use of concrete and stone,
> Natural ventilation and solar gain controlled by mobile sunscreens,
> Technology and technical Sobriety with low carbon (local materials)
> Landscaping treatment favoring the production of fresh islets around buildings and inside,
> Site with low environmental impact.
© Fabienne Bulle architectes
© Fabienne Bulle architectes
© Fabienne Bulle architectes