On the way
Study tour
Designed as mobile workshops, these study tours are an opportunity to discover innovative projects or reference. They participate in enrichment projects supported by the agency, including stimulating collective thinking within the agency and drafting of summary sheets.
> Venice : Biennale of Architecture
> Bassin d'Arcachon: urbanization and biodiversity
> IBA Hamburg: development planning and governance
> Breda, Rotterdam, Amsterdam: the city as to the lakeside town
> Vorarlberg: territorial rearrangement and structuring local track,
> Copenhagen and Malmö: the city that invented
> London rehabilitation of docks and écoquartier Bedzed,
> Niort and Bordeaux: Urban renewal and sustainable development.

Venice 2014

Bordeaux & Arcachon, oct. 2013

Randstad, may 2012

Copenhagen & Malmö, juillet 2011

Niort & Bordeaux, sept. 2010

Vorarlberg, may 2009

Londres & Bedzed, may 2008

IBA Hamburg, april 2012