Bioclimatic wineries
Bordeaux region
Type: Wineries
Program: Construction & renovation
Years: 20015 - 2018
Status: Ongoing studies and ongoing projects
Area: 4.000 sq.m. to 12.000 sq.m.
Mission type : AMO & MOE environment
Performances: Bioclimatic architecture & passif industrial building
Presentation of the project
Demonstration of a secular knowledge transmitted and improved from generation to generation, the wine-producing wine storehouses rest on a bioclimatic approach which the current objectives of durability make more than ever necessary and rich in teachings.
This type of architecture knew how to not only adapt itself to its climatic and physical environment to produce a style and a specific landscape, but also compromise with the slow and fragile maturation of the wine.
The wine storehouse is quite at the same time an alive building where the hygrothermal, thermal and air variables make exactly the conditions of preservation and breeding of the wine, but also an environment which favors the climatic exchanges between the inside and the outside of the building.
By playing on subtle combinations between low-tech and hight-tech, passive strategies and technology of precision, this search for the biggest ecological coherence at the constructive level contributes in fine to replace the architectural project in a contemporary, widened and integrated vision, the wine-producing heritage.
Environmental strategies
> Bioclimatic and passive performances