Projet collectif R&D
The collective R&D project "Design", for the development and evaluation of innovative urban scenarios for the separate management of effluents, brings together the following groups:
- The LISBP, Laboratory of biological systems engineering and processes of INSA Toulouse (lead partner),
- LEESU, Laboratory for Water, Environment and Urban Systems of the EPNC,
- SOLAGRO, agro-ecology and terrirorial energy strategy consultancy,
- The Sommer Environnement,
- Polymen, specialist in water treatment engineering,
- JP Coste, industrial plumbing company specialized in water sorting.
Winner of the 2017 call for projects from the French National Research Agency (ANR), the DESIGN project aims to develop and evaluate innovative scenarios for the separation at source and the valorisation of wastewater, to favour the closure of nutrient flows, energy and water recovery at the city level. This work will help orient demonstrations and support the first references for the most promising scenarios in terms of technical and economic feasibility.
This collective project enables Le Sommer Environnement to maintain a significant involvement in several strategic R&D axes for the ecological transition:
- Urban metabolism and flow closure,
- Synergies between urban and agro-rural systems,
- Preservation and economical management of water resources

Project ANR Design