The black and yellow gold of the metropolis
Bordeaux Métropole

On Friday 8 December 2023, Bordeaux Métropole awarded a contract to the consortium formed by the Maison de la matière organique oubliée (MAMMO),
On Friday 8 December 2023, Bordeaux Métropole awarded a contract to the consortium formed by the Maison de la matière organique oubliée (MAMMO),
Atelier Füzerry-Landauer wins the Watteau, P. Valery & Rosiers redevelopment project in Sarcelles.
The ESA's Paris agency uses the VUNA NEXUS system to recover its urine in the form of fertiliser.
The "Cachan pluriels" project, winner of the consultation launched by the Société du Grand Paris and the City of Cachan.
Provisional BEE Offices Renovation certification obtained in the design phase. First step towards the BBCA and BBC Effinergie renovation labels.
Demathieu Bard wins the Pôle de Référence Inclusif Sportif Métropolitain (PRISME) designed by Gulizzi architects and Agence Roméo
A new construction process implemented by Atelier Provisoire and Aquitanis
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The result of four years of research by the Sustainable Construction Department of the TU Wien & TU Graz, the Vivihouse is an
In its report Plastics: the cost to society, the environment and the economy, the WWF reviews the entire life cycle of plastics and
ARCEAU Île-de-France has just published a book on the interest of source separation in domestic wastewater management in France. > Download the publication
Château Cantenac Brown, 3rd Grand Cru Classe 1855, has entrusted Atelier Philippe Madec with the construction of a new winery with vat room
The National Biodiversity Observatory (ONB) has just published an alarming annual report on the state of nature in our territories: "Biodiversity in crisis".
After several unsuccessful housing requests with relevant departments of the city Geneva, Marcel Lachat decided to implement the "noise bubbles" Jean-Louis Chanéac hanging
Kevin Low is an architect of Chinese origin, installed in Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur. Designing the architecture not as a product but as a
A low-carbon and passive extension project.
Venturino Ventura is an Italian rachitect, representative of the Italian rationalist school, born in Florence in 1910 and died in Rome in 1991. Known
Before Swiss women gained the right to vote, the second exhibition on women's work (Saffa) was opened in Zurich on 17 July 1958,
From the first sedentary settlements in the Near East several millennia ago to medieval city centres, mud architecture has developed over the centuries
147 tons of micropollutants discharged into French water bodies each yea
At the request of the government, the working group on the architectural quality and use of social housing has just released its conclusions
Prototype House, designed by Richard Burton (1933-2017), was the first building on the Hooke Park Forestry Campus in Dorset. John Makepeace, who founded the
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German researchers demonstrate that the renewable energy is possible and no later than the current carbon system. 100% renewable scenario, based on a self-sufficient power and a realistic technical potential is based on the following distribution at the national level: 170 GW wind land, 85 GW offshore wind power, 200 GW of PV, 130 GW of solar thermal.
This project is part of the great project of the Urban Community of Bordeaux "50,000 homes". It aims to environmental performance in the
Limited so far to mid-rise buildings, timber construction takes off. Several projects are currently working on constructive solutions that would build tall buildings
> Timber Research Project by SOM (Sikdmore, Owing & Merrill),
> Tall wood building by MGA (Michael Green architecture)
> LifeCycle Tower research project by CREE (Creative Resource & Energy Efficiency) and Hermann Kaufmann Architekten.
Promoter of green architecture, close to the radical Architecture and Land Art, James Wines began as early as the '60s, research on the
pif 2012 echy from A. Delcourt & G. Monteaud on Vimeo.
The company echy created by two young Polytechnique School of Bridges and Roads, has patented a new lighting solution for capturing sunlight outside
This property designed by the architect DGM & Associés will accommodate 2,700 people.
This guide published by Le Vivant et la Ville focuses on interior and exterior green walls and roofs intensive and semi-intensive. It is
This new sports aquatic center should be a structuring element of local life and must be fully involved in a process of planning
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In his latest book, Michel Lussault examines the new ways of inhabiting the world face a unequivocal urbanization. What are the "imaginative forces"
Thrown in 1945 to John Entenza's initiative, editor-in-chief of the magazine Arts and Architecture, Accommodates him Study House Program had for objective to
Shishi Odoshi House is located in a residential neighborhood on the outskirts of Nantes. The Avignon- Clouet agency was tasked to prouce an extension
Situated in a residential area of Tokyo, this 3-storeyed house answers at the request of his(her) owners: " live at home in nomads
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Over 80 % of Europeans are exposed to particulate levels higher than those recommended by the guidelines on air quality issued by the
Developed by 4 SME of Rennes which SETUR in the cluster Ecorigine, Hydrocity ® is a patented concept of innovative and integrated management
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Japanese society Soradofarm has partnered with East Japan Railway company to install urban farms above stations. An idea to return to the Grand Paris?
Faced with the small size of its territory, an aging population and its strong energy dependence , Japan has implemented a program to
In this article, the author conducts a comparative study on the development of the city landscape, analyzing, 50 years apart, the discourse that
English version...The gallery Contexts presents from 23 April an initiative of the New Patrons program "Building the new sponsors of social housing." This exhibition traces assigned
The reports of the study Sommer Environment trips.
Designed as part of the partnership between the ICEB and Arene Ile-de-France, this guide covers the most important architectural and technical issues on
Appeared in Italy in the years in the early '90s, around the work of Alberto Magnaghi, Territorialist School seeks to reconcile development and
Guy Rottier After collaborating with Le Corbusier on the draft of the Radiant City to Marseille (1947 to 1949) , Guy Rottier paths takes
Old harbour and industrial fallow land, the future district of docks (162 hectares) constitutes a strategic sector for the metropolis of Bordeaux.
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While the Government has launched an experimental program on the revitalization of town centers in France, the Lyon Urban Community launched a broad
Built in timber frame and isolated straw, the Louise Michel school of Issy-les-Moulineaux is the first public institution of several floors to mobilize,
How to combine the urban development in the agricultural production in some images?
To choose its route in town according to the pollution? Tomorrow, will be enough a click on its smartphone and the map in
The report of the "Cour des Comptes" on the implementation by France of the package energy-climate : a complex and with difficulty readable politics
Two interesting studies on the nature in town and the urban ecosystems: > Cities Alive of the agency ARUP, > The nature in town, IAU
Being a member of one of 15 interdisciplinary teams of the Atelier du Grand Paris, Béatrice Mariolle, architect and town planner, suggests restoring a
Over the past several years, a number of tall wood projects have been completed around the world, demonstrating successful applications of new wood
On a ancient deposit of lands of construction site, in border of the highway A12 and near the park of Versailles, the cluster
To consume more grey matter to consume fewer raw materials is one of the stakes in this exhibition which summons the collective intelligence
English version... is an initiative of raising awareness, introduced by the European Union and the WWF, which tends to promote the renewable energies and
19 billion euro: it is the cost which would represent the pollution of internal air in France for given year. Realized by the national
The bows of the wooden skeleton has just been put.
Within the framework of the current debate on splits French, Daniel Béhar, geographer, returns on some preconceived ideas. It is necessary to finish it
The group Fayat chooses the Brenac et Gonzalez agency as its office building.
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Students of the Utec of Lima (University of Engineering and Technology) invent a device to clean up the city and the construction sites.
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The CNRS(National Centert for Scientific Research) opens a Web site dedicated to the questions on the climate. > More information
The project of the Urban Development Zone Boucicaut received on December 18th, 2014 the label Ecodistrict awarded by the Ministry of Housing, the Equality
Fabienne Bulle Architectes's project, prize-winner of the competition for the Embassy of France in the Gabon.
The mileage allowance incites the employees to take their bike, according to the conclusions of an experiment and a study led by the
Andrea Branzi wonders about the current situation of the architecture in one interview published in Télérama. " The architecture does not produce more either testimony
lWhile the Norman Forster agency in London draws, over railroad tracks, air bicycle paths, Certivéa in France proposes a new reference table HQE
The Pulpit Real estate and Sustainable development publishes the third number of the Exercise books of the Pulpit, entitled " the green city
A new standard of bioclimatic offices for the Urban Development Zone Nice Méridia
Architects from Grenoble proposes a new concept of the intermediate group housing of the years ' 70: Rubixhome. > More information
The certified Urban Development Zone Boucicaut was certified Ecodistrict. From now on, it is possible to follow the current events of the ecodistrict on its
9 % > part of the national territory artificialized in 2014, is approximately 51 000 km2 (480 times the surface of Paris). Infrastructures represent near
Built at the same time that the Villa Tugendhat de Mies van der Rohe ( 1931 ) or the Villa Savoye of Le
The interest growing for the place of the nature in town, the manufacturing of the landscapes and the farming of closeness contributes to
HE ANPCEN (national Association for the protection of the sky and the environment) and the Mission economy of the biodiversity of Caisse des
According to a study of the European Federation of the cycling, the sector of the bike shows itself a sector supplier of jobs
The regional agency for the nature and the biodiversity of Ile-de-France, Natureparif published a guide intended for the local elected representatives to integrate
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A new hotel complex for the business ecodistrict Heart of Orly.
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The design graphic angency Hands up! which manages the graphic image to Le Sommer Environment has just realized the scenography and the visual
The Cité du Vin (X-TU architects) officially ended its metamorphosis : the last panels of glass and metal were put by the climbers, who ended their
Competition gained with Atelier Cose architects for the Hotel Golf Mérignies
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Wooden cluster multi-schedule about 17 000 m2 grouping of the housing, offices, a panoramic bar, businesses and shared spaces proposed by Sou Fujimoto
How better to dread the stakes in the green city in France? With what current problems are the French cities confronted regarding management of